Business Services

The goal of our company is to increase and maintain organizational well-being, as well as improving your positioning in the marketplace. Drawing from many years’ experience working with companies across diverse industries, but mainly in the medical and pharmaceutical field, we work closely with both management and employees in order to design and implement business solutions aimed at higher productivity, improved cost management, efficancy within the company and improved global positioning. Our services include the following:


Human Resource Management

Our Human Resource Management offering Includes a complete range of services, starting with recruitment, all the way through to more general employee management activities. We take pride in our ability to select and qualify the best person for a given position, whilst at the same time ensuring that the role will suit the person – creating greater job satisfaction and improved productivity. The relationship between management and employers has a direct effect on the future success and growth of a company and we study and implement the most suitable customs, role descriptions, hierarchy of positions and flow of management that are effective and beneficial to all.

Business Process Management

Through Business Process Management services we create a smarter, more controlled business flow by streamlining roles, functions and efforts. Employee effectiveness is improved; business productivity and growth, optimised.


Sound financial management is paramount to the security and welfare of any company. RB consulting will assist with all your financial matters: from running your weekly/monthly payroll, budget- and cost control; right through to the management of more intricate tax and Vat related affairs.

Sales and Marketing

A company’s success in directly related to its ability to identify new product and service opportunities, improving on existing offerings and most importantly the ability to communicate these effectively to consumers. With a global escalation of social media platforms and a growing role of various digital means of communication, very few companies (industries) can thrive in modern society without paying heed to and embracing the multiple means of electronic communication available in the marketplace today.

RB Consulting’s services include the design and implementation of Sales and Marketing solutions that will complement your companies’ existing sales techniques, identify new opportunities and implement the most cost effective means of driving your product and services. Your company’s position in the marketplace is identified and analysed, marketing techniques formulated and applied.

Legal Consultation

Practical experience of business and labour law related matters. Woking alongside my associate Attorney we specialize in the resolution of labour disputes, arbitration and mediation functions, disciplinary hearings, CCMA and Department of Labour inquests, but also advise on most organizational legal affairs. We can consult and implement any legal requirements your business may have or need advice on.

Strategy Design

A clearly defined business strategy ensures that an organization remains relevant and ahead of competitors in the marketplace. We guide your company through the various phases of research, planning, decision-making and implementation of ideas, services and products.

For more information on our marketing services, let us know below: